An Interactive Site to Identify the Most Beautiful Musical Compositions of Each Country

Welcome music lovers! Please join the discussion, vote, and offer suggestions for what you think are the most beautiful musical compositions of each country in the world. See my initial posting for the rules of the game. Then click on the country label (on the right side) and use "Comment" to offer your thoughts, votes or suggestions about the music of that country. To suggest candidate compositions, please provide the title and composer of the piece and, if possible, a link to an audio or video sample of the music. Once a number of nominations are received for a country, I will create a "poll" for people to vote on their favorite

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

China's Most Beautiful Music

My friend and colleague, Han, has contributed the following:

Here are a few pieces that I really like:

1. Liangzhu (Butterfly Lovers, violin)

2. Erquan yinyue (Moon Reflected on the Two Springs, Erhu)

3.Sinian (Nostalgia)

The first two are Han Chinese and are very well-known in China, and the third is a Tibetan song that is not among the most well-known in China but extremely beautiful. The singer's name is Yadong, a Tibetan from western Sichuan.

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